What is Rhythmic Gymnastics?

Rhythmic gymnastics is a captivating and graceful sport that combines elements of ballet, dance, and gymnastics with the use of various handheld apparatus such as ropes, hoops, balls, clubs, and ribbons. It is a discipline that emphasizes both artistic expression and technical skills, requiring athletes to perform highly coordinated movements to music while demonstrating flexibility, strength, and precision.

In rhythmic gymnastics, athletes perform individual or group routines that showcase their mastery of body control, flexibility, and rhythmic movements. The routines are choreographed to music and include a combination of dance, leaps, jumps, balances, and throws or manipulations of the apparatus.

One of the defining aspects of rhythmic gymnastics is the incorporation of apparatus handling. Each apparatus adds a unique dimension to the routine and requires specific techniques and skills. The rope is flexible and used for swings, jumps, and wraps; the hoop is manipulated through spins, rolls, and throws; the ball is used for dynamic throws, balances, and catches; the clubs are swung, tossed, and caught; and the ribbon creates elegant shapes and patterns as it is twirled and manipulated in the air.

Athletes strive to achieve perfect synchronization between their body movements and the music, while maintaining excellent technique and graceful execution. They also aim to display their individual style and artistry through expressive movements, fluid transitions, and captivating performances.

Rhythmic gymnastics competitions are judged based on technical execution, difficulty of the routine, artistry, and overall presentation. Judges evaluate elements such as body movements, apparatus handling, flexibility, coordination, and artistic expression. The sport requires a combination of athleticism, creativity, and precision, making it a visually stunning and highly demanding discipline to watch and participate in.

Meet our Head Coach


Ivanna Mikhalova

  • Sports master of rhythmic gymnastics of Ukraine,
  • Olympic school of Ukraine,
  • Сoached all levels in California,
  • Certified coach of USA Gymnastics with professional membership in discipline “Rhythmic gymnastics”.
rhythmic gymnastics rope
split practice rhythmic gymnastics

Set up your free trial class!

The best experience is personal. Try our class to feel the rhythm of the gymnastics!

CALL or EMAIL for a free trial class!

(919) 504-2418


Prices and Schedule

Team, level silver, gold and diamond

2 classes per week – $350 per month

3 classes per week – $360 per month

Beginners, level bronze

1 class per week – $160 per month

2 classes per week $220 per month


1 class per week – $100 per month

2 classes per week – $160 per month

Team classes

Ages 8-17 y.o. (level silver, gold and diamond) 

Mondays and Wednesdays 5.45-8.15 pm, Fridays 5-8 pm


Ages 5-8 y.o. (level bronze)

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays – 5.00-6.30 pm


Ages 3-5 y.o.

Mondays and Wednesdays 6.30-7.15 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays 4.15-5.00 pm.



We are always glad to tell you more!

(919) 504-2418


Monday - Friday 4 pm - 8:20 pm

413 West Chatham st, Suite A, Cary, NC, 27511